Thursday, August 7, 2008

Reasons that I am AWESOME....

So, a friend of mine recently said that I am too self deprecating (thanks for the giftie Jon, I will enjoy!!!!) here is a list of why I am awesome and people should strive to be more like me!!!

1. I can prolly recite the entire original "Vacation" from beginning to end without many errors-- from memory!

2. I have the best of both worlds, a cat who thinks she is a dog (those of you who have met her can verify that)-- she fetches AND goes on a leash. SHE IS GREAT!

3. I have a problem with adult acne. This is cool because I am admitting it. Wasn't it enough that I dealt with it as a kid??? Apparently not!

4. I did not like Lance. I liked Lance.

5. I am pretty sure that I can eat my own weight in Peanut M&M's (and it would not be a barf-o-rama)

6. I am about to get a new job.

7. I think that every job should have a mad lib break (mad libs to be provided by employer)

8. I LOVE living alone.....this is the best thing ever-- I sleep on my couch, sometimes in the middle of the bed.....this is the greatest thing since Kraft Macaroni and Cheese....and Crown (a surprisingly good mix)

9. My cat, Miss Tallulah Bankhead, has health insurance. I do not.

10. I think farts are funny. Pull my finger is the best joke EVER. Would it be appropriate to have "I promise to always pull your finger" as part of my wedding vows?????


Unknown said...

The cat i can deal with. You....well that's if'y

Chris said...

That's so very very wrong.......I am FABULOUS and you know it!

Jeff Cooper said...

Outstanding. If only you had more fingers for more farts.

Chris said...

The beauty of a fart is that it comes without a finger too!

Unknown said...

I bet you a case of Crown you can't eat your own body weight in peanut M&M's.

Chris said...

I will take that bet, bitch!!!

"You'll rue the day...."

A CASE of crown! WOW!!!!! When is this eating challenge happening?

Unknown said...

The challenge will happen when you get your ass down here...This is almost as good as the 50 eggs in an hour challenge. If I win you have to either buy me an xbox360 or give me your cat. So the deal is set.

Chris said...

I will get you an ex box 360 (what ever the hell that is before I get you my cat@!!!)////

But I am sure, I will prevail

Chris said...

No one get's my cat. She is the best thing that ever happened to me.....that probably isn't a huge selling point for me!!!! Really, for being 50 pounds overweight, I am NOT A LOOSER....I AM NOT AN ELEPHANT!!!!! :)