Saturday, August 2, 2008

My apologies.....

Wow, last night I was a little drunk....and blogging. A new high for me. While the things I wrote last night may be true, there is no excuse for exposing the public to my drunken rages! And by public, I mean my three loyal followers!

So, moving right along. I have decided that in my unemployment I can do something with my life. I am going to make some records here. Not the vinyl type (for the smart asses out there); the kind where you do cool stuff longer and better than anyone else. I think that I will start with how many days can I go without wearing pants with zippers. I am a big fan of the sweat pants. I think this is a good place for me to start. I will keep you posted on how I am doing with this record. The only bummer is that I probably should really start looking for a job, so I may have to put real pants on for interviews, but other than that......this is gonna be great. I'm going to do great things with my life. It's amazing that I am still single.

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