Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For whom the rules don't apply....

Has anyone ever noticed that there is an ever increasing population of people for whom the rules don't apply?

Let me give you an example. When I went to traffic school I learned that a solid double yellow line meant that you can't cross it. Apparently, this is not the case, for some people. They cross those lines like they are going out of business!!!! And without even the common courtesy of a blinker.....

And then there are the people who create their own lanes. Last I checked the bike lane was meant for BIKES-- not for cars to squeeze into when they need to gain that precious 5 seconds when turning right. Then again, there are the ass clowns (why should I change my name? He's the one that sucks) that decide they would like to turn left FROM THE CENTER LANE. These people should be killed- INSTANTLY!

Do people who don't pay their registration irritate anyone as much as me? (Sorry, Allison, it has to be said!) I hate pulling up behind someone and seeing 2007 on their tags.... UGH!

Yesterday there was a woman at the grocery store who couldn't count. She was in the ten items or less lane-- clearly with about 500 items. The line is a cash only line- with the theory being that the line will be fast for those of us who were buying a jug of milk. So after the cowardly checker rings her up (I would have told her that she didn't qualify to be in that line) the woman begins to haggle with her over a dented can of peached. Are you shitting me? Not only are you going to break the rules but you want a discount because your dumb ass picked out a dented can? REALLY? So then the manager has to come over and tell her that he will not give her a quarter off the can of peaches ( I, on the other hand, as a manager, would have thrown the can of peaches at her head) and then has to turn the key to have the can of peaches removed from her bill (why you need a manager to take of a can of peaches, I am still not sure). Then that stupid woman pulls out a credit card.....never before have I imagined slicing someone's throat with that effing credit card....

Why do some people just not understand the social contract? I mean, lanes on a road are made for a reason, all cars that I know of are equipped with a turn signal (TO BE USED), and people should have to pay for the grapes they eat in the grocery store, right?

Is it just me?


Unknown said...

It's not just you, don't worry. Society has been dumbing itself down for ages. The biggest hit we took was women's sufferage. I also think we should kill off retarded babies. I mean seriously what the fuck can they do, besides make us laugh. How much of our tax dollars are spent for their care? Anyone who isn't productive in society should be sent to the furnace.

Chris said...

OMG-- you have just reached new levels of political uncorrectness!

Unknown said...

Sorry didn't know i needed to make sure my comments were PC.

Chris said...

Oh baby- you never have to be pc with me!!! :)