Friday, August 8, 2008

Dead ant...Dead ant...Dead ant dead ant dead ant

Am I the only one who wonders about that one ant that finds it's way past the ba-zillion ant traps and through the poison barrier I created between my house and the outside world? I was taking a shower this morning (boys, don't get too excited!) and there was a random ant on the wall. Of course I killed it. I drowned it, and it was cool.

But then I wondered, what was that ant thinking about? I must seem like a giant white (not caucasian, but WHITE-- those of you who know me will understand this) Godzilla. This must be frightening to the little ant that somehow got into my house....ALONE. I decided that I had to put down about 10 ant traps after a recent infestation of the little bastards. They made a solid line from my back door to the cat food bowl. Let me tell you, Lula wasn't happy about the ants in her food and water. After she hissed at them she ran away and hid under the bed. What can I say, she is an urban cat. She wouldn't know what to do with a real mouse if she ever saw it. She hisses at everything....including her barf...but I digress.

So I wondered about this little ant. Was he freaked out because he was on the wall of my shower watching this behemoth lathering up her hair (again, boys, don't get too excited). I must have scared the shit out of him. Then when I threw the handful of water on him (it's raining!!) and he fell from the wall into the drain. That must have been horrific. But then again, he shouldn't have been in my shower....the little perv!!!

"What's the dirtiest thing ever said on television?"


Unknown said...

You know chalk works for ants. Just draw a line in front of an ant. He'll never cross it.

Chris said...

WTF? Chalk? I don't think so......