Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's just rain, people!

Tuesday is biggest loser day, and I am forever a fan of the biggest loser. I can't believe Vicky is still on that show. What a waste...

Anyhow-- so it started to rain during the show. I am a midwestern gal, so rain is not a big deal. Granted it doesn't rain all that often here, but still, in the end, it's just rain. I am used to the snow, and the tornadoes and hail and all other kinds of nature's fury. I have come to discover that most Angelino's like the rain, as do I. I like the cooler weather and the nice sound of the rain, especially since I don't need to leave the house today. Then, during the critical moments of the show I hear a loud boom outside my window. I think it was a car backfire.

But then I hear some additional commotion. Some guys yelling and then another loud boom. It sounds like someone is dropping a piece of wood off of a balcony so it lands in the street with a loud smack. Now I am a little suspicious. Again, I can hear a guy yelling something but since the TV is on, I can't decipher what he is saying. For those of you not used to urban living, let me digress a minute to explain why I am not immediately concerned because often strange pieces of furniture end up in the street. There have been exploded pumpkins, mattresses, and a plethora of other treasures in the street and littering the sidewalk. I live close to the boulevard and at times there are drunk people walking back to their cars and involved in other shenanigans. Suffice it to say, it can get noisy. Since I am at the critical point of The Biggest Loser, I am just pissed off that this noise is interrupting my night (yes, I know that I am pathetic for getting this agitated over a little noise because the Biggest Loser is on). Then I hear more yelling and I mute the TV trying to figure out what the hell is going on. There is a lot of hollering and I think there must be people fighting.

As any good American would, I go to the window, and then another really loud bang, but since my window doesn't face the street I can't see anything. Then I hear "put the gun down" and "put your hands up" and "don't go in there" and "walk this way". Then another loud pop. Shit, this is not good. I am about to call 911 when I hear the helicopter and know that the police are on top of whatever is happening. But, I am understandably frightened as I begin to realize that there is seriously an "event" occurring about 50 feet from my front door. By this time I have CLEARLY missed the ending of The Biggest Loser and I am understandably shaken by the helicopter that is circling right above my apartment with a spotlight following someone or something.

Now, I am thinking that this is breaking news, right? I mean, there is something with shots being fired (and there were several) and police are everywhere and there is a police helicopter and further away there are several other helicopters in the air, presumably news choppers. So, right away I turn on the news figuring that this actively happening event will be on the news. I am worried that there is some criminal on the loose near my house and I live alone so I want to make sure that everything is safe. Whatever was going on was still happening because that damn helicopter was just circling what seemed like inches above the roof. You would think that this would at least be on the news.....

Uh....no. Apparently the rain is more important. I watched all 30 minutes of the local news, and 28 of them were from the weather girl reporting on RAIN. Not like it's particularly bad rain, or devastating. I get that there are potential mud slides in the burn areas, and granted the rarity of rain merits news coverage. But the entire news was all Super-Mega- spastic Doppler 17 gillion and watching this "serious storm cell as mother nature unleashes her fury across the southland".


I later found out that there was a man running around my apartment building with a shotgun while police pursued him on foot and eventually arrested him 2 houses over.

But I hear nothing but about the RAIN.


Allison said...

Dammit--Why does all the cool stuff happen after I leave? Earthquakes, protests, and now a manhunt...you are a terrible host. You better work on making some of these things happen next time I come out there! HA!

Chris said...

Whatever,you would have freaked the fuck out if you were here when there was a manhunt with rifles involved!