Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy and Sad

I usually don't write about serious stuff. It just seems like there is too much stuff out there to bring you down, so I try to focus on the ridiculous so to brighten everyone's day. That being said, I typically stay away from the political side of things, but today I am deviating from my usual sunny disposition (shut up Allison...I can be sunny, DAMMIT).

Prop 8. Seriously, fellow Californian's, we passed prop 8? Holy schnikeys. For those of you not aware- in a nut shell Proposition 8 bans same sex marriage. And it passed.....seems a little strange that the most liberal state in the union, often referred to as The People's Republic of California, won't allow for same sex marriage. Seriously, who gives a hoot who marries who, right? The first problem is this whole religious right. I thought there would be more of them in Colorado-- I guess I was wrong. It turns out there are a lot of people against same sex marriage. I say if people want to get married we should let them- that simple. For me, it really is more than just the idea of marriage. I think of it in legal terms. For example, there could be some horrific circumstances where one person of a gay couple is injured or killed in an accident. As a legally recognized next of kin, like a husband, the next of kin would make the decisions. Yet, we, as Californians, have decided that we don't want that status to be granted to gay couples. What a bunch of horse shit! I am thoroughly disappointed in my fellow Angelinos for letting this thing pass. I mean, if two men or two women have dedicated themselves to their relationship and they want to reach that legal status, who the hell am I to tell them no. I mean, I have enough troubles in my own life that I can't possibly spend the energy worrying about what other people are doing. If people want to be married- GREAT! Higher tax brackets- so it actually would benefit because married couples usually will pay a little more in taxes. But seriously, who gives a flying.....spoon...who marries who. The fundamental religious....where do I begin? They are at the bottom of this prop. They feel that it is against God for a man to marry a man, or woman to marry a woman. Okay, so by their estimation polygamy is okay, so long as the man has several WIVES, not a husband? Oh, and according to some of the religious right little girls are to sign oaths that they will remain a virgin of ALL PHYSICAL CONTACT until they are married to a man. WHAT? So when these little girls finally meet a man, they aren't allowed ANY contact (no hand holding, no kissing, no hugging, no nothing) until they are on the alter. So, sex is bad and frowned upon....UNTIL you get married. Then it is okay. And so long as it is with a person of the opposite sex. Don't we as a culture have bigger fish to fry that who someone wants to marry? If both parties are consenting, law abiding adults, who cares....go for it! We should be focusing on the economic crisis, how kids are supposed to pay for college, the fact that we have been fighting a drug war for 30 years and HAVE MADE NO HEADWAY. Don't you think that things like quality of education and prison overcrowding is a bit more pertinent to the masses than gay marriage? If we could get as many people out in the streets about economic reform, education reform, or other pertinent issues then perhaps we could fix things that are REALLY wrong with our nation, not something that doesn't effect everyone, like gay marriage. And then...the whole school thing. What a crock. Does anyone EVER remember being taught about marriage in school? I sure don't. I am a product of public schools and I don't recall ever having a lesson that marriage is between a man and a woman. So, why would they teach marriage can now be between a man and a man? And if they did, who cares! Homosexuals are not created, they don't make a choice, they are born that way. People who say that one can choose not to be gay is stupid. That's like saying that people during the slave trade were choosing to be slaves. Why would anyone chose to be gay when there is so much ACCEPTED hatred of gays? Saying that being gay is a choice is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. So, apparently people feel that gays chose to be that way, and they should work hard to not be that way. WHAT? People are who they are, and they should be accepted and allowed the same rights that everyone else has. I swear, the ban on gay marriage is so short sided. In 100 years people will look back to this time the same way that we look back to the times when the government counted black people as only 2/3 of a person. Our grandchildren will think us ignorant and mean, the same way we view the segregationists of the 40's and 50's as short sided and close minded. It's embarrassing.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Amen to that!

So have a sunny side?