Friday, June 27, 2008

**Effing Los Angeles.......

Ahhh Los Angeles! What can I say, except for $4.57 a gallon? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Christ, it cost me $40 to fill my "economy" car today. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to fill up my tank this morning. These gas prices really agree with my unemployment!

Let me bring up another thing unique to LA. I never realized this until I was home all day. People actually go through the garbage seeking recycleables, and these are not homeless people. They are people with "nice" clothes (by comparison, meaning that there are no holes in them, new tennis shoes!). There are maybe three or four people a day looking for plastic bottles, beer cans, and bottles. Thank god I have a problem with alcohol so I can keep these people in the standard to which they have become accustom. I wonder if I should offer them the bags in my kitchen, just so I don't have to walk all the way out to the dumpster. No, maybe not too cool to open my door to a dumpster diver!

And then, I went on a job interview. This is a good thing. I am unemployed and miss earning a paycheck. I have grown accustomed to things like electricity, plumbing, toilet paper. So, I was excited to go on the job interview (though I don't know how it went yet), but it was in Santa Monica. After four years of living in Los Angeles, I will never get used to the traffic patterns. For those of you who are geographically retarded, Santa Monica is about 8 miles from my house. Now, given the fact that the interview was about 8 miles away, you would think that 30 minutes would suffice. But, to make it safe, I allowed 50 minutes, and arrived by the skin of my teeth. No where else does it take that long to go 8 miles ON SIDE STREETS. I'm pretty sure that I will be a road rager soon. Can ANYONE use a fucking turn signal? And why do people always find it necessary to invent a turn lane? Oh, and one last complaint, and then I will stop, for now. At every single light in LA, the light turns yellow, then red, and then four more cars go through thus negating use of the left turn signal for the opposing traffic. Seriously people, green means go, red means STOP- not four more cars turn left and then stop!!! UGH!!!


Allison said...

Sounds like someone needs to come home! ARE YOU TOO GOOD FOR YOUR HOME...

Anonymous said...

Toilet paper is overrated anyway. Ever hear about the "Turkish wipe"? Basically, it involves your hand and a lot of soap. But you can spend the saved money on more important, uh, fuck I don't know. Good luck!
- Matt

Chris said...

I am NOT too good for my home....I don't think.....ARE YOU TOO GOOD TO VISIT ME, Bee-atch?????

Jeff Cooper said...

Mass transit man.