Saturday, January 8, 2011

F*CK YOU 2010

I am so glad 2010 is over.  While not my worst year ever (as most of you know, the year I moved to California was the WORST), 2010 was certainly not my favorite year.  I am so glad that year came to an end.

Let's recap the crap- briefly--

1.  In a stroke of luck or a kick to the head (depending on how you look at it) I lost my job.  Again.  Some would say I should have been relieved, because who wants to walk into an office where your boss says you look like "a homeless bag lady who needs to go on a diet" and who screams for the sales person to pull his head out of his ass; all the while cheating EVERYTHING- the union, the workers, customers- anything to put another dollar into his pocket.  I felt some relief to get away from the abuse, but also had a wave of terror come over me that last about 3 months.  How would I pay rent?  And why....why was I in this position again?  This job loss came after two previous "eliminated position and/or companies".  I had done all the right things- gone to college, worked hard, and there I was- finding myself in my early 30's without a job-AGAIN.  And, I was without a job in the worst economic atmosphere the country had seen since the Great Depression.  AWESOME. 

2.  I had nothing but brief encounters with men who treat me poorly.  For some reason I am not worth a call in the morning, or anyone remembering my birthday, or being treated with respect.  I find myself grasping with the very real possibilty that I may be alone.  I may not find the man of my dreams- it's lonely.

3.  I gained 25 pounds this year. 
4.  I have more consumer debt this year than I have had in over a decade.  Again, AWESOME!

So- I rest my case.....FUCK YOU 2010!

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