Thursday, November 11, 2010

The first time....

Burlesque was terrible the first time I saw it, when it was called Showgirls.

Hollywood, my beloved Hollywood, continues to remake movies. Some of the time I am okay with the remakes, so long as the remake understands that it is a remake. For instance, King Kong. The first King Kong (1937?) was great; it had all of the elements that makes a movioe about a giant ape wonderful. The humanity of King Kong, you feel his confusion when he kills the dinosaur and by the end, you understand the people's fear of him, but you are sad when he dies. And then you are even sadder when you watch the Jeff Bridges version of King Kong. It wasn't terrible....but, ono the third try, Hollywood went back to the original story and hit a homerun with the Jack Black version. It was wonderful.

I heard rumors running arpound for a while that they were going to remake The Goonies. OMG- that would have been a dream come true. I mean, I would have played Chunk (if Hollywood thinks Sarah Jessica Parker is hot, then I can be Chunk, right?) and Josh Brolin (hello Hot Stuff). But they canned it. I don't know why-- perhaps because they were too busy remaking the Incredible Hulk for the 10th time. That was never even a movie in the first place- why did they make it a movie and then re-do it a bunch of times? Now some will say that they were different movies- like a part 2, 3, 4 or whatever- but really- it was the same shit all the way through. And then there was the A-Team. The first time A-team was on TV, it was like a little slice of heaven in my living room. that show was AWESOME....but the movie-- TERRIBLE. I mean, really who would buy Bradley Cooper in that role? No....that didn't work. In about a month, yet another remake is coming out. TRON (in 3D). I am excited because it's in 3D and that may help my business, but Tron was retarded the first time. Disney decided to spend a shit load of money on a remake of a stupid cartoon made 25 years ago (or so?) that was likely the product of a bad acid trip, but they put the brakes on the Goonies? Really? where is the remake of such classics as Tommy Boy? There have been 320 million prequels and the like of Star Wars--- I wanna see Tommy Boy jr.-- there is a market here that has been highly untapped. No remake of Breakfast Club, no Pretty Woman Back on the Streets, but Tron. What a let down! And what about Baby? Sure, Johnnie may have succumb to cancer, but no one, not even cancer, can put Baby in a corner. Oh wait, there's probably a Mylie Cyrus movie being remade....

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