Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Angelina Jolie and other freaks of nature

I have found myself wondering about some things, as my mind wanders during the commercial breaks on The Deadliest Catch and America's Next Top Model. (Okay, and the batchelorette). Anyhow- there are a few things that I am wondering about.

1. Angelina Jolie: She is....strange. I guess Shiloh, the first real baby between Brad and Angelina, thinks that she is a boy. Apparently the parents are doing nothing to curb this thinking so they let her wear boy clothes with boy hair and all that. Which is fine....I thought I was a boy for a while. But I am wondering if she thinks sje is a boy becasue her mother (whom she may never has actually met) looks like a boy when all the makeup and baggy red carpet dresses come off. I would bet that Shiloh, at age 5 (I think) weighs almost as much as Angelina, and the fact that this little girl must be confused with the We Are The World going on at her house. But then I wonder, when Angelina goes to these far away lands to get a new baby, are the other children frightened of her? Do these starving people offer her their food because she looks to be in worse shape then they are? Imagione how the indiginous people of those places must feel. They see this ghostly white, 9 foot tall woman who is pushing the scales at about 90 pounds....her mouth is huge and the only thing that looks healthy on her entire body. these people believe in old school worship- they probably think she is the god of the Amazon people, come to life to take one of their babies. They are probably scared to DEATH.

2. Martina McBride and Sunny Delight. It is a well known fact that I get very angry at certain commercials. I am not sure what is wrong with me that some people and some commercials evoke such a negative yet passionate response. All I have to say out of this is: Martina McBride singing "Shine On" (Which are apparently the only words to that song) while the shadows dance...makes me want to hurl. I propose a boycott of all Sunny Delight Product until that commercial is pulled and the tapes burned in effigy.

3. Billy the Exterminator has now become one of my new favorite shows. Who would have thought that a southern exterminator would teach me so much? I mean, let's be honest about our prejudgements about people with a deep southern accent who get excited 'bout gators. They don't strike me as the smartest people in the world. I know that this is completely like racial profiling, and I am not proud to admit it, but I think that we need to get it out on the table. If I have to have brain surgery for something and I have a choice between a Brit and a Southerner, I don't think I am the only one who picks the Brit. So Billy is from the south (not that there's anything wrong with father's from the south.....not really but I want to see how many people understand that reference). And by watching his show I have learned that armadillos can swim, rarely do bats carry rabies, any 'gator over 6 feet long in a Private pond has to be killed, and you sometimes have to catch pigeons with your hands. OMG- I wouldn't touch a pigeon with a ten foot pole.......shifty little critters. But this southern show has made me smarter, in the event I run into any armadillos.

4. The noise makers at the 2010 World Cup, is the most annoying sound in the world. I never thought that someone would create a device to make the same sound Harry and Lloyd made to Danny Aiello on the road trip to ASPIN, where the beer flows like wine and women will flock to you like the salmon of capistrano.


Laura Shields said...

That John Denver is full of shit....

Chris said...

Ohhhhh... poor John Denver. Had he gone the way of Lloyd and Harry he likely wouldn't have died in a plane a mountain!!