Monday, April 26, 2010

Give us a chance.....---crazy cat lady

Why is there such thing as a crazy cat lady and not a crazy dog man? Why am I crucified for having a picture of my cat as my screen saver?

People in Los Angeles live and die by their dogs. Restaurants actually bring dog water bowls during brunch for their canine customers. We have dog parks at every corner. There are doggie hotels, doggie day car and dog spas (there are dogs in LA who have better looking feet than me!). There are halloween dress up contests for the furry canines of the land and more than once have I seen people throwing parties for their dogs. Hollywood has cashed in on this too- there are a number os fuccessful shows like "The Dog Whisperer", "It's Me or the Dog" and even shows focused on finding Pit Bulls homes! Don't get me wrong- I think all of this is great.

I consider myself an animal person. I won't go to horse races because I can't support an industry which makes an obscene amount of money on making a creature who is barrel chested with four skinny chicken legs run as fast as it possibly can-- even at times driving itself to a broken foot. In equine world, a broken leg or ankle almost alwayes ends badly for the horse. Just ask Barbaro, or perhaps one of the other horses who was shot and killed on the field in a desperate attempt at humanity. I won't support dog races because any industry who throws their animals away after they fail to win the race is disgusting. I think dog fighting is atrocious (which I thought was a given, but I guess I need to talk to all those people who like Michael Vick).

So why is there such a bad light shed on cats? I am really curious to understand this. I have had cats all of my life, and my two cats now, are like children to me. They come when I call them, are loyale to me, answer when I call them. Lula and Ilsa both retrieve (just like a dog) , Lula sits on I don't have to rush home after work to let the dogs out. I don't have to take them on walks in the rain, I don't have to "curb" my dog (ewwwwweee). I sleep with my cats, as many people do with thier dogs. I buy them gifts, as Petco and about a zillion other botique stores depend on people to do with respects to their dogs! My cats don't eat their barf- or other animals barf; and they are just as sweet as the dogs. They don't beg for my burger, and they don't bark in the middle of the nothing.....for a long time.....

So, I write this to unite all feline friends with the canine world. I think that people who own cats get the short end of the stick. Keep in mind, it's not cats that are taken to McDonalds for a hamburger, and cats aren't carried around in designer purses. And as long as I live, I will NEVER dye the hair of my cat to match my outfit (remember, I live in West Hollywood, so I have seen it all.) The only Pink's I should see are hot dogs!!!

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