Saturday, August 29, 2009

Why not a crosswalk?

I think that all of the budgetary issues in Los Angeles would be cured if the police would issue jay walking tickets. I say this, because, I have noticed that many, many, MANY people don't seem to comprehend the idea of a crosswalk.

I wrote about this before, and perhaps this is the same thing. Maybe these are people for whom the rules don't apply. Friday afternoon I was driving westbound on Venice Blvd. Now, let me tell the story of traffic on Friday for those of us who don't live in LA. There is a phenomenon called Friday Light. This means that traffic on the way to work in the morning on any given Friday is AWESOME. But then, after about 2:00, the traffic turns to shit. Everyone leaves work early and a 6 mile route could very well take an hour. There are strange patterns, and perhaps the most frustrating thins is that there is no predictability with traffic.

So, I am traveling west on Venice after lunchtime. I notice all of the cars around me begin to slow down, so I follow suit. I have always been a follower, not a leader! Anyhow, traffic came to a complete halt because Jackass had decided that he needed to cross the street at that particular moment, at that particular place. Mind you, there was a crosswalk about 50 feet down the street. But..this guy needed to stop traffic, in both directions, to cross the street right there. SERIOUSLY? I wanted to just mow him over, but thought better of it. Some of you might think that I would not have plowed into him for fear of blood messing up my new car; but that was not the entire reason I restrained. I remembered when I was 15 and had to take Driver's Ed. They really emphasised the point of not hitting a person. Even though I may be justified, I am not allowed to run anyone over. True- I will swerve and likely cause an accident to avoid a squirrel or a cat in the road, but a person stopping traffic because he needs to cross 4 lanes of Friday traffic at that time.

Another thing I don't understand, and I am hoping someone can help me with- why is there road construction on every road at the same time? Fuck me- seriously- they can't be closing lanes on La Cienega during rush hour (and the most infuriating is that the empty lanes that are blocked off for the alleged road construction....when there is no one there.....) Anyhow- they block off a lane on La Cienega- so I shoot over to Fairfax.....forgetting that it's a one lane road through little Ethiopia. Then I think about going up to Hauser--- a residential street. That's being re-paved. So, I, along with every other Angelino traveling North- end up on La Brea. There are very specific signs which prohibit people from turning left from 4pm to 7pm- yet Jackasses decide that the rules don't apply to them!

When can the rules not apply to me?

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