Sunday, June 21, 2009

People carry dogs in their purses

Holy cow it's been a while since I wrote. My apologies to anyone who felt their lives were spinning out of control while I was absent. I should be more responsible, and since we all know that the real world revolves around me, I should have understood that my faithful followers were lost without me.

I'm BACK!!! YAY!! With more witty stories, or more boring tales of life in urban LA, depending on how you want to look at them. There has been a lot going on-the first of which will be the topic of this blog. A couple of weeks ago, I was adopted by a kitten. Here's the story:

I work in a less affluent part of Culver City where there are a lot of abandoned houses, cars, and a lot of unsavory people walking around all day long. But, it is a nice building that I work in and the fact that it is only 6 miles from my house is a HUGE selling point. Anyhow, a couple of Fridays ago, one of the painters, Mauricio came in to tell me that there was a cat running around outside. This isn't all that uncommon. In poorer neighborhoods, people cant afford to fix their animals, so there are a lot of stray animals running around. At first, I wasn't very concerned, because I knew that if I saw it, I would have to save it. Then Mauricio told me that the KITTEN had run up into the engine of a parked car and wouldn't come out. So, being the animal lover that I am, I went out and was able to get the cat out of the car.

This is the second time I have been adopted by a cat in a car engine. So, I held the little pure black kitten, fed her and she fell asleep. I took her to the vet and the vet said she was about 5 or 6 weeks old and in good health. I had her tested, gave her a bath, and eventually gave her a home (that Lula is still unhappy about sharing). And I find it interesting that people all over LA who have heard that I have been adopted by Ilsa and now have 2 cats, that I am some kind of crazy spinster cat lady. Here are my arguments against this "logic".

1. I only have 2 cats. People with two dogs are looked at as completely normal, but
I am a crazy cat lady???
2. I never carry my cats in a purse into a store while I am trying to shop for food or luxury items (or anything else for that matter).
3. I never dress my cats in human clothes.
4. There is not a Halloween contest to see who the cutest cat is.
5. My girls are self sufficient for many days. Unlike dogs, they needn't be entertained, walked and will not howl or reek havoc if I chose not to come home for a night.
6. Lula fetches. She also sits on command, goes on a leash, and pretty much obeys my every command.
7. Cats are deliberative in their affection. My girls chose to love me, and when a man comes into the house, they both hide. But they love me, unconditionally. They can't be bought with Snausages or promises of dog parks. This is a love that is more fierce and loyal than any other in the world.

So, after my 7 point argument, I fully expect that everyone in the world understand why it is COMPLETELY normal for SMART people to have cats. My cats are the best, and they love me, no matter what!

And to people who carry their dogs in their purses......REALLY? WTF is that all about? And you all say that I am the crazy one because I rescued a lost and starving baby????

Interesting....very interesting world we live in!

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