Tuesday, July 17, 2012

These are the things that have changed my life.....

I have been thinking about things that have changed my life.  Keep reading...these are not those pivotal moments in my life where I made life changing decisions, or had some spiritual realizations.  That's hogwash.  This is a blog dedicated to things that have actually changed my life....seriously.

For the first time since I lived at home with my parents, I have a washer and dryer in my apartment.  This is life changing.  I did laundry tonight because the shirt I want to wear tomorrow was dirty, and I didn't have to go fishing around for quarters.  I could wash it because I have a washer and a dryer, right in my apartment!  This may not sound like a life changing experience, but let me tell you why this is such an awesome thing for me.  About 2 years ago I was living in Los Angeles- West Hollywood to be exact.  I LOVED that apartment, and the neighborhood and Los Angeles in general, but there were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way.  One of these things was that most apartments in the city don't have a washer/dryer in the unit (lots don't even have them on site and people have to go to a laundromat).  That being said, quarters were highly coveted by all.  Laundry became a very strategic event that needed a lot of planning.  I had to make sure that I was getting all the bang for my buck in a load of laundry ($2.25 in quarters for a wash and a dry to be exact).  One night I needed to do a load of laundry and had just enough quarters.  I started the wash, no big deal.  When it was time to walk out back to put the laundry in the dryer.  I had exactly 4 quarters....and this was not a good day.  I just wanted to put my laundry in the dryer and wait for it to dry and call it a day.  But no.....I put the first three quarters in the dryer with no problem.  Then the fourth, and it came tumbling out of the coin return.  Then I put it in again, then it came out again, then I put it in again, and it came out again (this sounds a little pornographic)....but anyhow- you get the picture.  I immediately understood crimes of passion at that moment.  I went outside and threw the phantom quarter across the yard and into the neighbors yard, while saying some choice words and jumping up and down.  Awesome....not only were my clothes wet, but I didn't even have the phantom quarter to try to swap with my neighbors.  So I had to go up to my cool neighbors, explain what happened and beg a quarter off of them.  NOT a shining moment.  Washer and dryer in my house is life changing because I won't have to throw anymore quarters into my neighbors yard risking great bodily damage to them if the quarter hits them in the face.

The second thing that has changed my life is actually a tie between having my Ipod hook up to my car and Sirius Radio.  First, you have to understand that I was 32 years old before I had a car with automatic ANYTHING.  The car I had before the car I have now (and will probably have for the rest of my life), was a stick, had a TAPE player, manual windows and locks.....and if you drove faster than about 60 MPH in it the car shook and I had many fears that the hood would fly up while driving on the 405 Tommy Boy style.  I had my current car for a good 6 months before I found out you can hook your Ipod up to it.  OMG....there is no better place to rock out to some Billie Jean or Debbie Gibson than in your car.  I will belt that shit out, and I sound awesome.  Something about the acoustics of my car make me sound like a superstar.  BUT, there is also this thing called Sirius Radio.....and they have an 80's music channel.  Are you kidding me?  All 80's all the time....this is fantastic!  AND...the radio display tells me what song is playing and who sings it.  If only I could figure out a way to instantly buy songs from Sirius radio and have them downloaded into my Ipod.  AND, apparently I can hook my Ipod into my receiver.....WHAT?  When did all of these inventions happen?  These have been miracles of my life.  I drove home from work today singing Jesse's Girl.....maybe one of the best songs of all time.

And finally, the third thing that I must add to this list of things that have changed my life is...CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING.  During this, the hottest and most dry summer in 60 years (I think about the Grapes of Wrath and how different all their lives would have been with central air), I think that anyone with Central Air Conditioning can appreciate why this has changed my life.  I am a well "rounded" gal...things gotta be cool!!!

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