Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dr Drew- the man, the brand, the sell out

About 20 years ago, I was highly impressed with a new show that aired on MTV (I think) late at night approproately called LoveLine.  What a great idea!!  The premise (for those of you who missed it) was for a ne'er do well comic (reminds me a lot of Norm Macdonald) to be paired with a highly intelligent, well spoken and very well educated doctor who would answer live call-in questions.  These were generally very specific questions that most of us have asked at one time or another but are too embarrased to ask.  For example, a guy might call in asking if it is normal that his girlfriend pees while she is having an orgasm.  Corolla would generally answer such an inquiry with a clever joke while Dr. Drew would answer the question from a medical standpoint.  Entertaining and educational, what reality TV should be (that is another log for a later blog)

I digress...

While LoveLine had a cult like following, the show wasn't on for very long.  And I was sad- for I really liked Dr. Drew.  Here was a handsome man answering some very direct questions, and he did it with a grace, a respect and with honesty.  It was brilliant.  After the show ended, the era of reality TV was born.  Dr. Drew, having some television experience, decided to cash in. 

He moved to LA and soon was hard at work at the PRC (Pasadena Recovery Center).  Soon enough, MTV came calling again and Rehab with Dr. Drew premiered.  Again, this was a new topic, and proved to be very interesting...in the beginning.  Cameras in rehab....what a brilliant idea.  Again, it was done respectfully, and Dr. Drew took his time to be sure to address the myriad of afflictions one deals with in rehab along with the plethora of reasons one ended up in rehab.

And here, my friends, is what I call the beginning of the end.  We became bored with watching normal, everyday people in rehab.  This brand of reality television could no longer quench our thirst.  We needed a bigger train wreck to keep our attention...and Dr. Drew answered with "Celebrity" rehab (yes, I used the often ill placed and over-used quotes around celebrity.....but again- that's a log for a later blog).  Now we could watch people like Jaime Foxxworth (Family Matters); Rico Suave (the wrestler, not the singer, in case you were confused), a Baldwin Brother, Brigette Nielsen, and Chyna- to name a few- battle with their addictions. 

Up until then, we were okay.  I was still on the up and up with Dr. Drew- I felt like he was looking out for the best and trying to educate as many people as he could on the dangers of drugs and alcohol;  and he understood that people are more likely to watch about the disasters of "celebrities" than of normal, everyday people.  And then comes Sober House.  And then comes Season 2, and it goes on and on.  Dr. Drew continued to offer his celebrity to MTV and MTV continues to film the celebrities at PRC.  And then some of them relapsed, and we all heard about that on TMZ and laughed when they were admitted back into rehab in an effort to avoid jail or criminal charges (a benefit that your average junkie does not have).

And then people died.  The shows continued, and the Dr. Drew celebrity grew more and more ferocious, and Dr. Drew began commentating on current events.  First he was the guest on several shows, and then he decided to have his own show.  This was supposed to be a show where he and other professionals examined the news stories that everyone was following.  He led the campaign (along with Nancy Grace) to discuss, at nausium, Casey Anthony and Nadia Suleman (Octo-mom).  The slow decline started here.

From Teen Mom (stop giving kudos to teen mothers...another log for another blog) to LifeChangers (Judge Drewdy); I implore you Dr. Drew-- STOP THE MADNESS.  5 years ago I would listen to Dr. Drew and respect his opinion, but now.....not so much.  He went from the Man, to the brand... to the recently sold out.

Where is Judge Drewdy for that one?  Be a doctor, or be a television personality- but you must chose a side.  You, my friend, have drawn the indellible line in the sand.....

Now I see that Dr. Drew has another show called Life changers--- and one of the episodes is called "Judge Drewsky".  NO.  I am here to tell you, Dr. Drew-- you have gone too far. 

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