Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thstupid.......(Butthead voice)

I swear to God people should have to get a permit before they reproduce.

I think that I should run for president, what about you guys? I would make a frickin' sweet president. So- this is what I would do to make the world a better place.

People with no common sense will be killed- their bodies used for either experimentation by scientists or for medical practice. What do I mean by common sense? There are a plethora of examples that I can use.....I will get back to that later.

So, how could I make this a better place to live? First, I would change the work week to four days. Then, I would make it so that you have to get a license before you can have kids. Something like you are sterilized at birth and then it is reversed IF you qualify. Of course, the immediate next question is how does one qualify? You cannot use "ain't" in your every day vernacular. If you can't tell me the difference between there, their and they're- immediate disqualification. If you think a lot is one word--- you will not be a parent.

If you have a "breath taking" (Seinfeld reference, for those who get it) baby and don't acknowledge that it should NOT be in a beauty! Please people, understand that your baby's gigantic head is funny, always will be, but does not equate to cute (Weston is not included in this, though his head is GI-HUGIC). You must enjoy Tommy Boy,but not Black Sheep. You must be able to quote the original Vacation (ALL OF IT, BOY). And last but not least, IF you have kids, they must know of Jimmy the cab driver, and the lounge singer (just as they know if Santa).

And yes...I am still fat...diets, as many boys, are THSTUPID

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