Sunday, September 28, 2008

Still Single....still fat.....

Okay, so I didn't keep my promise of weight loss OR blogging more regularly. Sorry. still trying to get back into a routine.....yeah, that's it routine.

So, still needing to lose the weight. Wondering why is it important to be thin? Do guys really like thinner women? Wait, don't answer that, I know the answer to that. Let's talk dating....shall we. I have come to the conclusion that Henry David Thoreau (?I know that I spelled it wrong) may have been on to something when he became a hermit in the woods! Dating is for suckers, of this I am sure! See, I consider myself a decent catch. Okay, so I am about 40 pounds overweight, but other than that I am pretty cool. I have a great sense of humor, (and no, it's not a defense mechanism, well at least not all of the time), I am reasonably smart (at least I don't have to count on my fingers, most of the time); I am generous, honest, blah blah blah....

Yet, I am still single. Oh sure, I can get a date-- but only with really weird people. I seem to have a beacon on my forehead that attracts the unemployed, the mean people, the losers....sheesh. What the hell am I doing wrong? Do you think that there is a pheromone that I put out? Maybe I should change soaps? I mean, I joined Eharmony with the hopes that I would meet SOMEONE.....ANYONE! Well, let's talk about that history- eh?

The last guy I dated actually had me pay for the second date. Now, I don't mind paying every once in a while, I'm progressive. But really, the second date? Christ, did all chivalry die because I am over 30 and overweight? I guess that means that I am doomed to be killed by terrorists (that is a reference to When Harry met Sally)....where is my Harry? Oh well....I guess it will just be me and the cat!

Don't get me wrong, I am not all that upset about the prospects of living alone. I have sole possession of the remote control, the temperature of the house is at my discretion, I can clean or not clean at any time I wish. And let me tell you, in the RARE chance that I should meet someone and get married (I know, I know, but I did stress the word RARE) I am pretty sure that I will keep my own bed, perhaps even my own bedroom. Would that be wrong?


Jeff Cooper said...
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Jeff Cooper said...

I am finding single is the way to go. You don't throw up enough for an LA Girl. Work on that.

Chris said...

NICE!!! There will be no throwing up---- there will be the ever expanding ass though!!!