Monday, July 5, 2010

Where oh where did my little pet rock go?

I am reaching out to those of you who may, on occassion read the blog. I need to know that you are out there. Please leave me a comment here and there--- just to know that someone, besides me, is laughing at my ridiculousness.

I am not famous. I know, I thought that too. It befuddles me. But, I am not famous. Justin Beiber is famous. Can you explain that to me? I would like to think that I offer the world more than a douchebag haircut on a prebescanet teen ager who likely will never reach the weight I am currently toying with. REALLY? Come one... please let the fact that I shared the humilition of the pirate booze cruise which went so very very wrong, as well as sharing the story that I really needed to fart about 5 minuted into my first full body massage in Beverly Hills. Must I keep humiliating myself in order to gain readership?

Well......being unemployed, I have nothing but humiliation circling my head like moons orbit Jupiter. Today was the first day I put a bra So while some girls would say that that it rocks not to have a bra, I gotta tell you that I cannot run without the banana's screaming for mercy. And I watch TV and see that Justin Beiber is famous and likely has made more money during the creation of this blog than I will make this year. This is TERRIBLE. What does he do? Is he a Corey Haim in training? I can remember other teenage douche bags who thought they were many of them do we still know? Mylie Cyrus doesn't count, because she sucks. Hey, what is Tiffany doing these days? What about Debbie (excuse me, Deborah) Gibson doing right now? How about Nu Shooz? But....what can I do? Any suggestions? I am looking for my pet rock, folks. Help....Bueller? Bueller.....something D-O-O economics....Voo doo economics. And did it help? did it help? No it did not help and the united states sank deeper into the great depression.


Laura Shields said...

I'm here - your blog is in my reader now! And who the hell is this Justin Beeber dude you're talking about?

Christine Andrews said...

I don't really know who or what Justin Beeber is, but he gets a lot of TMZ time.....

Chris Andrews said...

I don't know who or what the Justin Beeber phenomenon is, but I know he/she (?) gets a lot ofc coverage on TMZ. So it must be some type of money making scheme

Unknown said...

Hey Chris...I'm here doing as I was told so nicely on FB! :) Your blog cracks me up...I put it in my favorites so I can read more of the previous blogs.

Hope you are doing well. Hang in there and know you are in my thoughts!

Chris said...

Thanks Rhiannon! I hope that my blog brings world peace and solves hunger issues.....not really-- If I can get a good laugh every now and then....I am a happy camper. Can you believe that I am from Colorado and never really camped?