Monday, June 23, 2008

I Love the 80's

So, I was all about being productive this weekend. I started to do homework, and to work on my resume, and then, there it was. I Love the 80's, on TV, ALL DAY. OMG. So, it started, logically, with 1980. For those of you who have not seen it, it is an hour long show that re-lives each year. So, there I was, in 100+ degree heat, hovering closer and closer to my little A/C, completely addicted to 10 hours of tv. HOLY COW! That show really should have a warning label on it- I was sucked in, I couldn't help myself. But it was oh, so good.

Things I reminisced about- let's see who else remembers these things. Fashion plates. WOW- I so remember coloring with my fashion plates for hours on end. Yes, this may have been for children without a creative bone in their bodies, and granted the "models" were a bit on the racy side for schoolaged children, but it was so much fun! Spiralgraph was another fun one, though I don't think that I had one of my own. It really didn't matter, I would just use my neighbors! She not a lot of stuff that I didn't, hence my diabolical plan to be friends with her (don't worry, we are still friends today!!!). Oh, and remember "My Buddy"-- the doll for boys? Not like any boys I knew of actually played with it, but still- we were trying to be progressive way back in the day~!

And let us not forget about the quality movies that were made in the early 80's. First Blood-- I remember seeing that in the theatre. I was convinced that it was just me who couldn't understand a damn word that Sly said in that film, but come to find out that NO ONE understood what he was saying. And Sly didn't stop there- the Rocky films- very big in those days. I would still sit and watch Rocky films, even today. They are one of those movies that when on TNT or something like that, I can't help but watch it. (Except for Rocky 5; that was bad, so very very bad, Sly should write an apology to me for sitting through that).

And then they talk about the music. 10 hours of 80's music, and of course the matching fashions. Tiffany, anyone? Did anyone ever actually see her in a mall? NKOTB- Holy crap they are terrible. But no one can deny New Edition- this is pre-crack addict wife beating bad boy Bobby Brown- this is when we all still liked Bobby Brown! And last but not least- remember stone washed jeans that we would roll up and then wear like 3 pairs of HUGE socks with our LA Gear Tennis Shoes? Oh, those are the days.

Well, I could go on for hours with the 80's, and no doubt I will return to this topic- perhaps the next time I spend 10 HOURS watching it on VH1. But, I must say, it was THE BEST SHOW EVER!!!!


Allison said...

You rule! My buddy..I forgot about him. My buddy and me! Remember the song! So funny! Remember those big material belts that we would wear around waists that had to match one of our three pairs of socks! Good times...good times!

Chris said...

I knew that you would appreciate my looserish day of watching nothing but the 80's! WOW!!!! Don't forget all the advancements that Barbie made back then- shit- she was a vet, a nurse, a business woman, a model.....though I never saw an "escort" barbie- that would have made sense!!!