Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sister Wives

This may seem a strange detour from my regular rants and observations, but I would like a moment to tell those involved in the Sister Wives drama from TLC, that I support you.  I may not agree with the lifestyle, but lets be fair about it, there are a lot of life styles that I do not agree with.

I have watched the Sister Wives show, and while the notion of polygamy is not a notion that rests well with me, and is nothing that I would ever chose, I can't help but see that the people within the Brown family seem to be happy.  They are not hurting anyone, they are very honest with their children and the choices of their lifestyles.  When they interview the children some say they are not interested in that lifestyle, and some say that they are; but I am proud and happy to see that the parents seem to support the wants and desires of their children.  I do not see anyone in need; I do not see anyone forced to be in any controlling situation  or anything that can be perceived as a controlling situation.  The babies are born to 2 consenting adults, there are no arranged marriages, there are no children living an impoverished life where they are malnourished or taught that they must to everything and anything that the Lord tells them to do.  This family strikes me as a family with a moral compass and who genuinely want to be together. 

I think we need to step back and realize that so long as two adults are consenting to enter into a marriage, what is the harm?  Divorce, adultery, abortion, bankruptcy, morally compromised behaviors all seem to get through our radars, but then you have a family who would like to share their lifestyle so to not have to raise their children in a dichotomy- open and happy at home, but secretive and lying to the rest of the world.  We will throw money at a 13 year old who ends up being pregnant because we, as a society, understand that the best possible future for her and her baby, is to be supported financially and that the mother be able to be a good mother and go to school to make a good life for her child.  We cheer when that mother graduated high school, yet we are ready to villainies the Brown family for living a life they all ( the consenting adults in the situation ) believe is morally acceptable for them.

Who am I to judge?  Who are you to judge? 

I may never meet another man.  I may never be in love, or married, or in a family.  But I know that I would rather fight for all of the people who have a family to that that family recognized by law.  These are fundamental rights for anyone, and I hope the Brown Family finds a strength in their God and can fight the good fight, because it it right.